International Agenda

Autonomy & Attachment

The life integration process (LIP)


25 to 31 August 2024, Grasse – France

The two basic human drives are the desire to be autonomous and the desire to relate to others. Romantic relationships, friendships, family relations, and work confront us with the challenge of distinguishing and connecting the two. What lies at the core of our desire to be autonomous, and what kind of attachment is nourishing and what kind is suffocating? Is there a space where we can combine the two and feel whole, or are we condemned to a life of oscillating ambivalence? In this summer course, we present the life integration process and its tangible and phenomenological perspective on these issues. And the power of LIP is not in our actions as teachers and constellators, but in the power and reality of life itself. Against that lived experience, no thought or mental concept can stand.


This summer course is developed for and aimed at all internationally oriented, experienced coaches, consultants, and managers with a reflective poise. It is one of the few yearly LIP courses in English.


LIP is not only a constellation method, using the “theory” and practice of systemic work, but it is also a holistic approach to self-knowledge in three dimensions.

  • A therapeutic one in the sense that we support the client in taking into his or her consciousness what emerges or is hidden in psychological problems.
  • It is an initiation in the sense that it reflects the soul potential of the client.
  • And finally, a spiritual perspective in which we see life as a movement of the soul of which the individual is only an expression. In this attitude, therapy and the transition into adulthood are not processes that we do, but only something that we can allow into our consciousness. They ultimately happen by themselves.

The LIP approach fundamentally differs from the knowledge acquired at a university. It is a valuable add-on for any coach or consultant as it uses mind, body, and soul.

The LIP constellation results from Wilfried Nelles’ theory of the development of human consciousness and the seven stages of life and consciousness described therein. We mainly but not exclusively work with the LIP format, that is, the constellation of the life stages of the unborn child, child, and adolescent.

The program will consist daily of a lecture, questions and answers and constellation work with the participants. Every personal or professional topic participants are interested in or are stuck with can be observed with this method. The summer course is set up as an open process in which we follow the structure but adapt to the flow of the process whenever that seems appropriate.

The program requires a minimum group of 20 participants.

Dates & working hours

Sunday 25 August 17.00 – 20.00 Introduction of the program, getting acquainted and drinks Coen
Monday 26 August till Wednesday 28 August 10.00 – 13.00 &

15.00 – 18.00

lectures and practical (constellation) work Coen
Thursday 29 August free
Friday 30 August 10.00 – 13.00 & 15.00 – 18.00 lectures and practical (constellation) work. Wilfried
Saturday 31 August 10.00 – 13.00 &

15.00 – 18.00 &

20.00 – 22.00

lectures and practical (constellation) work &

closing diner

Wilfried & Coen



Coen Aalders – EMC alumnus wave 3. Senior executive coach and educator in the life integration process in Europe and China

Wilfried Nelles, 1948 – PhD in sociology – Renowned family constellator who developed constellation work into the life integration process. He has published 16 books, which have been translated into 10 languages, and practices and teaches in many European countries and the Far East.

Fees & Book

950 Euro for a one-week workshop, exclusive of accommodation and subsistence. After registration, the recent translation into English of Wilfried Nelles’ main work, The World we Live in will be sent to you.


Hotel Relais Impérial

2 et 4 Place Cavalier Fabre, 06460 Saint Vallier-de-Thiey

The hotel has 28 simple but convenient rooms, which can be booked at the hotel’s site.

Information & Registration

Nelles Institute – Coen Aalders – + 31 652052639



Payment  at:  Jetventures BV, Utrecht – Bank: NL31RABO0347022332, BIC : RABONL2U